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The Hope For Israel

Writer's picture: Cornerstone Bible ChurchCornerstone Bible Church


Text: Assorted

Good Afternoon Church!

For the next few weeks, we are going to take a break from the Book of Jonah and focus on the birth of Jesus the Savior – after all, Christmas is 13 days away, and I want to point your mind and heart to this special day that we celebrate.

In our Men’s Bible study, we are going through the Book of Isaiah. This past Thursday evening, we dealt with chapter 5 of Isaiah, which was so powerful for all who were present. Isaiah lived during the decline of Israel in the shadow of Assyria. Chapter 5 lays out what is called the “6 Woes” – describing why God is bringing judgment on Israel. The first Woe deals with the “Materialism” that had overtaken Israel. Huge estates would be desolate and without inhabitants. God had removed the hedge of protection, and Israel was going to be trampled down by the Assyrians – and Israel was going to spend 70 years in what’s called the Babylonian Captivity. The second Woe dealt with a society who turned away from the Lord and turned to strong drink, which inflamed them to party night and day – forgetting the Almighty who was their God. The third Woe speaks of a nation full of Lies, with men defying God and His Prophet.

Woe number 4 deals with a nation and its Morality. Israel was now calling evil good and good evil – exchanging darkness for light (truth). Woe five tells of their Pride and Arrogance, while Woe six tells how the Lord was upset because of the unjust Judges of Israel. The last few verses in chapter 5 of Isaiah tell us of the coming judgment that was soon to come to Israel.

It was obvious to all of us at the Bible study, the connection between Israel and the United States, concerning the judgment of the Lord that has come to our nation as well. We are a nation who has pushed God away – as seen in our churches, our homes, and our government. Our judges are in the same place as Israel’s were, corrupt and on the take. Did you ever think you would see the day when our elections were a fraud? We are no better than a banana republic.

By the time we get to Malachi (the last book of the Old Testament), we see a nation called Israel at its lowest point in history – with no hope! Israel was disobedient. They doubted God’s love for them, they dishonored His name, and they questioned His Justice. They held back their tithes and offerings and became a people who only complained about their situation.

The New Testament opens with the story of God sending a package of Hope to all the people – His name was to be called Jesus. The Prophet Zachariah in Luke chapter two tells us about the dawning of a new day because this great light from on high would come and give light to “those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

There was now Hope, and His name was Jesus. Israel in the midst of despair, now because of the “tender mercy of our God,” could turn their hearts back to “the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us.”

Many of us today are living in despair over what we see taking place in our nation today. There’s no way to explain what we see taking place other than to realize that God is judging our land. But the Good News of the Bible is that the Lord is sitting on His throne – “High and lifted up.”

After Isaiah gives God’s report of judgment in chapter five, chapter six opens with Isaiah telling how he saw God sitting on His throne. Listen to what Isaiah wrote to Israel and to us.

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of His robe filled the temple.” Two verses later, we are told how the Seraphim cried out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory!”

Oh, today during this Christmas Season, I too need to focus on the King of Glory who sits on His throne – with His Glory filling the temple. When my eyes look around at what is taking place in our nation, I get discouraged, and I just complain – as did Israel. I desperately need to remember how God gave us the dawning of a new day when He sent His Son to come and redeem His people. So, in the midst of turmoil, I have Joy and Peace because I am in a personal relationship with my Savior. Today I have Peace because I know who the Angel was talking about in Luke 2:10, when he stated, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Today as your Pastor, I want to encourage you to renew your focus of the gift that was given to us long ago in Bethlehem – “a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, and lying in a manger.” I’m praying that this Christmas will be the best ever for each of you – no matter what you are facing.

God is AMAZING, and yes, He is “sitting on His throne, high and lifted up!”

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Doc Seuss

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