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Pastor Doc Seuss

Text: Matthew 6:9-15

This next portion of the Disciple’s Prayer could possibly be one of the most difficult things to pray as a Christian.

“Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

I recently was talking to a sister in Christ and listened intently as she confessed how shallow she was when it came to her prayers. She told how she would give praise to God on Sundays, thanking Him for all of His blessings to her, and why wouldn’t she? Her health was strong, and the jobs that she and her husband had provided plenty for the family – with money left over to enjoy a lavish vacation. The kids were all healthy and happy with their circle of friends. She told how she loved her church and spoke of how loving all the people were. Life was great, and she was sure to tell God how Awesome He was concerning all of His provision.

But then something happened – this thing called COVID 19 entered their lives, and created a dark storm for the family. Her husband was let go from his job. Her job was put on hold, and then came the cancer in her body – the fight was on!

She shared how difficult it was to spend quality time in prayer with her loving God, and told how her Bible sat on the nightstand with magazines piled on top. She couldn’t even look at it, so she let other things sit upon it. She confessed to being tired, confused, and bitter.

I wish this were a one-time conversation, but it’s all too common. The Pastor receives the call when life seems to be falling apart, and the story is always the same. Oh, the circumstances are always different, but the end story has a common conclusion. I hear over and over again how joy is completely gone - most have reached a place of anger mixed with bitterness. Prayer always is the first thing to go by the wayside. “It’s just too hard to pray to a God who has allowed this stuff into my life, it’s just not fair, and I do not like it!” If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it 50 times. Now let me make something crystal clear. I do not mind, for this is part of my calling as a Shepherd, and God has given me thick skin and a big heart to help folks in this condition. I only tell this story because of the text before us today:

“Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

As a believer of 48 years, I certainly understand how this Sister felt in her heart. We’ve all been there. Sure, it’s easy to praise God while on the mountain top. When the checkbook is overflowing, we have our health, and when problems are seemingly non-existent, it’s easy to sing out loud and raise our hands to our Good, Good Father. I can’t tell how many times I’ve told a Brother or Sister that the test is not when we are living on the mountain, but rather, the true test is when life leads us into the valley of the shadow of death. It’s in those valleys we learn our lessons that God (our Father) has for us. It’s in the valley our faith grows. It’s in the valley that the Fruit of the Spirit is abundant in our lives, if we allow God to have His way.

I say all of this, because when we are facing an ugly storm in our life, it’s really tough to pray to our Father for His will to be done or accomplished in our lives, which would seem to indicate that maybe this storm has been allowed by our Father into our life to make us more like Christ. This is hard to understand, and I realize that, but it doesn’t change the facts.

First, this phrase out of verse 10, reminds us that God’s will is done in Heaven, which should come as no surprise to us, since He is Sovereign and Just. There is no confusion in Heaven. There is no disobedience in Heaven, for all is going smoothly according to the Father’s plan.

So, If God’s will is accomplished in Heaven, why are we so afraid or bitter of what God wants to accomplish in our lives? This is a hard question to answer, but I have to admit that there have been times in my life when I questioned what God had allowed to come into my life. I remember laying in a hospital bed telling a famous surgeon that I just did not have time to have open-heart surgery. I was too busy for such an intrusive operation. And then he laughed at me and walked out of the room. Lynette and I cried, knowing that this was happening for a reason that I didn’t understand and there was nothing I could do about it. And then, a Pastor’s wife came in minutes later, and told us how God is on His throne and He has everything under control – and that I just had to submit to Him concerning this storm. I left out many details that would fill in the blanks concerning how I felt, but I’m sure that you understand what I’m saying, and perhaps have faced such a storm. Shortly after, I bowed my head and heart, and prayed that His will would be done in my life, and that I would submit to it - and be a good witness in the hospital.

I’m not sure of what you are facing at this time, but I do know that this prayer is appropriate for all of us today. We are living in crazy times, with seemingly no earthly answers that will be able to fix the corruption we see taking place – It’s almost as though we are living in the end times (ok, that was a joke). If ever we need God’s will to be accomplished on this earth, it is now! We all read the end of the Bible, and we know how it ends, with King Jesus ruling as the Sovereign, forever and ever. So, this prayer is not only acknowledging that I desire God’s best for my life, but I also recognize that He alone will make all wrongs right, and bring righteousness into our lives through His Kingdom.

Ok, now your homework is to pray to your Father this week and ask that His will may be accomplished in your life, and that you would have the wisdom to submit to what he is doing. The Lord is Faithful and True, and can be trusted in all things. I’m pretty sure that if my Father can put the stars in place and keep the planets in orbit, then He is able to manage my life.

Let me leave you with a description of God’s will according to Romans 12 2. It says:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

God’s will for my life is “good and acceptable and perfect.” Ok Father, may “your will be done” in my life. I’m not afraid, bitter, or worried. I’m going to submit to whatever you have for me. Teach me what I need to learn, and teach me to be a witness to others as I live out Your will in my life. And Father, this Earth sure needs King Jesus to come and rescue us by taking us home. Oh, how we long for His Kingdom and His will to be accomplished here on earth. Amen!

We will be together soon Church!

In His Grip,

Pastor Doc

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