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Pastor Doc Seuss

Text: Matthew 6:9-15

I hope that you are learning as much as I am from this study on the Disciple’s Prayer. Our prayer is to begin with a focus on the Father and His Majestic attributes, and then our prayer can include asking for daily provision in our lives.

This next phrase of the prayer, reads:

“Give us this day our daily bread”

It’s obvious that this would seem to be more applicable to the 1st century audience Jesus was preaching to, those who needed bread and provision each and every day – along with water and a place to sleep. As Americans, we have everything we need. Our cupboards are stocked with food, as well as our refrigerator and freezer, which would indicate that we really don’t need to pray for our need of daily food.

I believe that this section of the Disciple’s prayer reaches far beyond a need for food alone, but speaks to every area of our lives. The “bread” spoken of here is symbolic of all of our physical needs, which includes but not limited to food, clothes, health, a job, family care, a home, and other practical needs we as humans would have. This instruction concerning prayer lets me know that God is not only concerned about our daily needs but has agreed to provide said needs.

This 11th verse opens with the assumption that our provider – is our Father, which we already talked about in the opening phrase “Our Father in Heaven.” He is the One who is addressed throughout this prayer. We would do good to pause at a time like this to ponder the concept that the God of Heaven not only cares about my daily needs but promises to provide for these needs. This concept has nothing to do with those preachers who would preach a “prosperity gospel,” which exposes the false message that God longs to make us rich and powerful in the things of the world. Scripture speaks to the contrary concerning this topic – telling us that if the world hated Jesus, then we will be hated as well. Our resources are to be used to reach a lost world with the Good News of Salvation, and then we are to equip them for the Kingdom work of the church.

The next word that I see as important is the word “daily.” My daily prayers are not to be for a year’s worth of provision, but rather provision for today. If “bread” is symbolic of all of our needs, then Jesus is instructing us that we are to rely on Him for every need, every day.

The Greek text reads, “The bread of us, daily give to us today.” This seems to indicate a daily trusting in the Lord for all of our needs. Certainly, this was practical for 1st century Christians

who lived day to day just to survive. As we think about the world we are now living in, tomorrow doesn’t seem as secure as it once did. This phrase, “Give us this day our daily bread,” reminds us of the faith that is required for a powerful prayer life. Each morning we cry out in faith to our Father to provide every need for the day we are facing. It’s a time of trust as we commit our day to Him. I’m tired of telling my Father how MY day should go – at least how I see it going. The phrase “Your will be done” would fit very nicely with asking for our daily needs. Too many Christians spend their prayer time telling God what to do – it’s so embarrassing to hear such a prayer, let alone being the one who is praying such a prayer. Let me make some practical applications concerning this concept.

* I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but I will trust the Father to see me through it!

I need to get back to being a man of faith, trusting God in every area of my life, and I’m smart enough to realize that it begins with my morning prayer of faith concerning the day I am facing.

* I will quit telling my Father about my daily plans and rely on His daily plans for my life.

I’m reminded what the John the Baptist said about his daily life, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Our pride will always get in the way of trusting our Father for the needs of today. I must humble myself and listen and watch for His provision and leading in my day.

*My prayer life begins in the morning – not after the day is over.

How can I ask Him for His daily provision if the day is already over? Please, don’t skip your morning prayer time. It’s a perfect time to commit the day ahead to your Father, for Him to have His way in your life. Bedtime is a perfect time to thank Him for His faithfulness that day, with a voice of thanksgiving.

*Each morning, I will affirm that every good thing I have comes from my Father.

James said that:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

I will shower my Father with the voice of appreciation for all that He has done and provided for me in my life.

Cornerstone, I’m so glad that we are discussing prayer now, as we prepare for coming back together and meeting as a church (more information coming soon). I want to ask all of you to pour out your hearts to the Father concerning our church start-up. There is still much excitement concerning us coming together as Cornerstone Bible Church. There is much work to do for the Kingdom and many rewards to save up in our eternal bank. Please pray for the Pastor & Elders during this important time. God will meet all of our personal needs, as well as our corporate needs as a church, I’m sure of that!

Praying daily for all of you!

Pastor Doc Seuss

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