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Pastor Doc

Text: Philippians 3:10-14

Wow! Can it be? Is 2020 really over? This past year has been challenging for most of us, to say the least. This was the year that this silent enemy called COVID struck hard to our nation and to our personal lives. Many lost their businesses, others lost their jobs, while still others lost their lives to this silent killer who stalked all of us.

As I sit at my desk, I just don’t know what to say about the past nine months. I’ve been asked so many times to explain what the purpose of this year from the pit of Hell was – to which I responded, “I’m not sure, except it be for God’s judgment on the United States for us turning our backs on Him.” Oh, it seems to be obvious that we are living in what the Bible calls the “end times” or the “last days”. We know that God is sitting on His throne and in total control, but last year just doesn’t make too much sense. This was the year that Cornerstone Bible Church started – we were all so excited and off to a great start, but then we had to shut down because of COVID because it had entered our ranks.

So many are depressed and discouraged with everything that has taken place. Between COVID, a corrupt election, and Justice system, despair has set in for many Christians. Even today, the Capital was overtaken by protestors, and shots were fired – is this really the nation whose currency says, “In God We Trust?”

It’s times such as these when the Lord uses His messenger to remind His people of Truth found in His Word – which is what I’m going to do right now.

In Philippians 3:10, the Apostle Paul, while confined in prison, came to grips with what was important to him, and that was:

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.”

While Paul was sitting in prison, surrounded by a corrupt government, he realized that the priority for his life was to know Christ and to become like Him. As I pondered this, I realized how practical this was for all of us who are surrounded by a corrupt government going into a new year. Oh, how I want to know Christ in a deeper way this year. I long for my fellowship with Him to be sweeter and longer than ever before. Like Paul, I too want my heart to be transformed by experiencing what it means to share in His sufferings and to learn how to die to Him.

But how will this be accomplished in my life? As I read down to verse 13 & 14, I was reminded on how to stay focused, even during the struggles of life. Listen to what Paul wrote:

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Great advice for all of us wanting to put last year in our rear-view mirror. I need to forget what lies behind me and focus on what lies ahead. I can’t change last year – I can’t even totally understand it, but I can keep my eyes on Christ and commit to knowing Him better this year. 2020 is over! I believe with all my heart that God is going to accomplish some amazing things this year through each of us. As we commit to spend more time in His Word and in Prayer, we will experience a transformation of our minds as never seen before.

When this COVID is over, I believe that the Lord is going to use Cornerstone Bible Church in a mighty way to reach our community for His glory. People all around us are going to be confused and depressed, but we will have the mind of Christ, which will bring peace into our lives. What an awesome opportunity to reach out to a lost and dying world with the Good News of Christ.

I hope you too are excited as we enter into this new year. Keep your focus on Christ, and do not get discouraged!! There is so much work to be done and so many people to reach.

I will see each of you in church very soon!

Loving the Focus!

Pastor Doc Seuss

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