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Jonah: A Prophet With A Bad Attitude

Pastor Doc

Text: Jonah 3:2-10

(Please read Jonah 3:2-10 before reading this)

Have you ever had a bad attitude? Maybe something that rubbed you the wrong way that was said by another person. Maybe something stated in the Bible that was offensive? Before we judge Jonah, we need to answer these questions – and be honest with our reply.

By all appearances, Jonah seemed to repent back in chapter 2. He recognized his situation before God. He “remembered the Lord.” He confessed that “salvation belongs to the Lord.”

But there was something in the depth of Jonah’s heart that he was clinging on to. He was still angry and bitter about having to go to the capital city of Assyria – the heathen city called Nineveh.

Now would be a good time to insert that God is always in control and has His own plan, which will be accomplished. There’s no doubt that Jonah was sent to preach to this pagan city - to shame Israel and Judah. The largest city in the pagan world repents and turns to the Lord, while Israel would not repent though preached to by many prophets sent by God.

So, Jonah goes to Nineveh in obedience to God. I’m sure the time spent in the fish’s belly had something to do with his obedience. Chapter 3 tells us how Jonah walked for one day to the inner part of the city and began preaching God’s message of judgment. What took place next is nothing short of amazing – the “people of Nineveh believed God” and repented. Even the King repented by “removing his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth and ashes. The King also issued a proclamation to Nineveh, that “neither man nor beast, herd or flock, taste anything.” This has been called one of the greatest soul-winning events ever in the world’s history, apart from the great soul harvest of Revelation 7, which will take place during the Tribulation.

Chapter 3 of Jonah ends by God relenting of the disaster that He said He would do to Nineveh.

Now, let’s apply some practical principles from this chapter.

1.) Salvation belongs to the Lord.

Even with a horrible attitude (which we will read about in chapter 4), the message of salvation that Jonah preached – accomplished its mission. The people of Nineveh were saved. We should never forget that “salvation belongs to the Lord.” When sharing the Lord with someone, we don’t need to be funny, creative, or create a circus, for “salvation belongs to the Lord.” We just need to be willing, but hopefully with a better attitude than Jonah had.

2.) God’s plan & purpose will be accomplished.

God’s will and sovereign choices will be carried out, whether by a Jonah or by one of us.

Did you notice in Chapter 3 verse 2, it says, “and call out against it the message that I tell you”?

It’s God’s message and God’s messenger. I’m reminded how in Matthew 28, what’s been called the Great Commission, Jesus told the disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” In a real sense, we are to be a Jonah, carrying the Good News of the Gospel to the lost people of our Nineveh – the location that the Lord has sent us to.

3.) Real change will only come by a changed heart.

I love verse 10 of chapter 3, where it says, “God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way.” Today we find ourselves living in a time of corruption and evil as never seen before. President Trump and Joe Biden will not bring real change to America. It’s just not possible. Real change in our Nation will occur when the people of America repent from their wicked ways and turn to the Lord. This will only take place when God’s present day Jonah leaves the beach and travels to Nineveh with the most powerful message ever heard.

Again, I am amazed by how much we are just like Jonah. Every week as I write these words, I have to do a heart check – to confess, and weed out the attitudes that I have. Yes, God is the God of a second chance, and we are so blessed to serve such a God.

Next week we will see our loving God deal with Jonah and his stinky attitude. I want to encourage you to read chapter 4 through many times this week as we prepare to finish this short book next week.

Blessings Church!

In His Grip,

Pastor Doc

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